Congenital Spinal Problems

Congenital means "existing from birth”.  A congenital spinal defect is a spinal defect that a person is born with, such as:

  • Spina bifida:  means "split spine".  Spina bifida happens when a baby is in the womb and the spinal column does not close all the way.

  • Congenital scoliosis:  The spine is rotated or twisted, pulling the ribs along with it to form a multidimensional curve.

  • Lumbarization, sacralization:  Malformations of the sacrum and base of the spine that influence the free-functioning spine.

  • Vertebral stenosis:  Narrowing of the open spaces within the spine.

  • Spondylolisthesis:  When one vertebra slips forward over the vertebra below it.

  • Torticollis:  A twisted neck in which the head is tipped to one side, while the chin is turned to the other.

  • Lordosis:  Increased curving of the spine, lordotic curves refer to the inward curve of the lumbar spine (just above the buttocks).

Congenital Spinal Problem Treatments in Asheville & Western North Carolina

At Comprehensive Pain Consultants of Western North Carolina, treatment of congenital spine abnormalities depends on the type and severity of the condition. For example, torticollis may be treated with physical therapy aimed at straightening out the head, whereas a mild case of lordosis may be treated with exercises to improve posture.  Severe problems, especially those likely to worsen with age, are treated with either braces or surgery, depending on the extent of the existing curvature and abnormality.

Experience state-of-the-art treatment for spine disorders.  Call or visit our Patient Portal to schedule an appointment with Comprehensive Pain Consultants.