How To Relieve Chronic Neck Pain

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The neck has a very important job of providing support and mobility for our head. This is a very sensitive area of the body and is easy to strain or injure while doing common activities. Neck pain can develop suddenly from an injury or may develop over time from years and years of wear and tear. Chronic neck pain often leaves patients unable to sleep or walk comfortably, making daily actives feel impossible! Read on to get all of our tips on how to relieve chronic neck pain.

Before beginning any at-home neck pain treatment, consult with our pain management clinic in Asheville. Our specialists can accurately diagnose your health condition and ensure that certain pain treatments will better your neck pain issues. Contact the Comprehensive Pain Consultants of the Carolinas to begin your road to recovery.


Keep Good Posture

Hunching over a computer or slouching on the couch puts stress on your neck. Poor posture causes long-term stiffness and pain to our neck and back. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when sitting:

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor

  • Sit in a supportive chair

  • Take note of how you are talking on the phone: a hands-free headset can be beneficial

  • Take regular walking breaks away from your desk


Check out the full article with more tips on improving your posture while sitting for long periods of time right here.


Ice & Heat Therapy

Applying ice works as an anti-inflammatory to minimize swelling and pain in your neck. Heat is another great way to relax your neck muscles and reduce pain. Heat can penetrate into your skin’s tissue, raising the temperature of the area and generating a therapeutic effect. Many chronic neck pain sufferers switch between ice and heat therapy to see where they find the most relief.



Swimming is one of the healthiest sports around due to the fact that it gives the body a great workout with low impact to the joints. If you have chronic neck pain, look into aerobic activities that don’t put stress on your neck muscles or back. The doctors at the Pain Management Clinics in Asheville recommend water exercises, since it’s a great way to move your body without putting excess strain on your neck.


Upgrade Your Pillow 

The best sleeping position for those with neck pain is either on your back or on your side. Along with your sleeping position, having a high-quality pillow that supports your head and neck while you sleep can make a big difference. Look for a pillow with memory foam or feather pillows. These pillows provide soft comfort and support the natural curvature of the spine.


See a Pain Management Specialist

If you’re experiencing radiating pain, tingling, numbness, trouble with daily activates or weakness into the arms or shoulders, seeking a pain specialist is ideal. Pain management specialist can help to diagnosed chronic conditions and treat you for neck pain relief. Treatment plans may include a combination of the following:

  • Physical therapy

  • Neck immobilization

  • Steroid injections

  • Surgical procedures


Pain Management Clinic in Asheville NC

Not all neck pain is alike. The pain management physicians in Asheville at the Comprehensive Pain Consultants of the Carolinas are experts at diagnosing your pain and creating the right treatment plan for you. Don’t wait to address your neck pain! Give us a call today and see for yourself how we can improve your life.

Get in touch with us by calling 828-483-4438


Disclaimer: You should always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider before beginning any exercise program. The information contained in this article does not constitute medical advice, nor does reading or accessing this information create a patient-provider relationship.  Comments that you post will be shared with all visitors to this page. All comments are not governed by HIPAA and you should not post any private health information.