Managing Chronic Pain & Mental Health Over the Holidays

We all know that chronic pain doesn’t take a holiday break. In fact, many times pain symptoms seem to worsen instead. However, there are things you can do to ease the physical and emotional strain of the holidays. Our pain management Asheville team has put together this short guide to help you manage your chronic pain and mental health over the holidays.


Chronic Pain & the Holiday Season

The truth is that, as much as we all love the holiday season, there are chronic pain challenges associated with this time of year that can make it hard to celebrate. For example:

When all is said and done, most of us would agree that the time with family and friends is still worth the potential discomfort. That’s why it’s important to have a reliable care team that knows you and can help you find ways to keep your pain from impacting your holiday plans. If you are looking for a pain doctor in Asheville NC, give us a call today!


Get Mental Health Help

Chronic pain has an impact that goes beyond the physical symptoms. Research shows that pain has an impact on mental health as well. Our pain psychologists see this impact in a variety of ways, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Stress Management

  • Insomnia

  • Decreased ability to enjoy hobbies and social activities

  • Isolation

Sometimes holiday stress, memories of a loved one who has passed on, illness or isolation can increase these feelings, especially if someone is already struggling. Before heading into the holidays, it’s important to get specialized help.

A pain psychologist can help connect the dots between chronic pain and mental/emotional strain with treatments such as biofeedback, talk therapy, self-management therapy and more. If you are interested in learning more about this revolutionary, effective pain management strategy, visit our pain psychology page.


Chronic Pain Tips

In addition to finding support for your mental health, we encourage you to find ways to structure your holiday plans for success. This can mean a variety of things, depending on your plans and your unique pain symptoms. Here are some of our top recommendations to increase your enjoyment and decrease your pain levels:

  • Build in Margin: Leave room in your day for a nap, a walk, a moment of mindfulness or whatever you may need to regroup if you feel the need.

  • Set (and stick to) a Routine: Create an agenda for the time you will be celebrating. Include as much of the planned activities as possible so that you can be prepared for whatever may aggravate your condition.

  • Create an Exit Strategy: If things do take a turn for the worse, you’ll want to be able to retreat into your pj’s and a comfortable spot on the couch. Have a friend or family member or Uber “on call” to give you a ride home if needed.

  • Visit Your Pain Specialist: Meet with your doctor sometime this month before all the celebrations begin. Discuss your concerns with him/her and ask for ideas on how to keep your pain at bay.


Pain Doctors in Asheville NC

We hope that these tips will help you enjoy your holidays with friends and family. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help from one of our team members as you put together your plans. The CPC team of medical experts specialize in understanding and treating chronic, debilitating pain all year long. We have dedicated our careers to achieving success with each patient. We're here for you.